主题:Labor Costs and Investment Dynamism in China
主讲人:朱炯 厦门大学
主持人:梁文泉 威尼斯欢迎你welcome
In this study, we estimate the impact of labor costs on investment dynamism. Our analysis reveals that a reform of China's three-pillar pension system, which raised labor costs by increasing employers' contribution rates to the pay-as-you-go scheme, significantly discouraged investment. A pairwise city-by-city analysis further demonstrates that the reform led to a reduction in inward investment flows, with no corresponding increase in outward flows. These findings suggest that the pension reform may have resulted in welfare losses due to its adverse effects on investment activity.
朱炯博士现为厦门大学威尼斯欢迎你welcome与王亚南经济研究院副教授,主要研究领域为微观发展经济学,历史发展与比较发展。目前兼任中国金融40人论坛青年研究员和中国社会科学院中国农村经济杂志社编辑,曾在密歇根州立大学和南洋理工大学做访问学者。研究成果发表于European Economic Review、Journal of Development Economics、American Journal of Agricultural Economics、经济研究,管理世界等国内外学术期刊,目前的研究聚焦于:中国县域经济发展;土地经济学;影响经济发展的历史,制度及文化等因素。
校对| 梁文泉
责编| 彭 毅
初审| 贾善铭
终审发布| 何凌云