财贸系列 Seminar 第4期
主题: Highway Construction, Labor Reallocation, and Welfare Gains under Migration Frictions
主讲人: 徐扬 (厦门大学)
时间:2020年12月3日(周四)下午 3:00
会议工具:腾讯(会议ID:141 442 371,会议密码:123456)
This paper studies the quantitative implications of spatial labor misallocation due to regional unbalanced labor flows under migration friction. Worker welfare is not equalized across space under migration friction and it depends on whether the inflow of workers equals the outflow of workers at regional level. Using a static multi-region quantitative spatial model with costly trade and migration, we find that balancing the labor flows in China at year 2000 without changes in internal frictions increases aggregate welfare by 1.3%, which entails large labor reallocations from small to large cities. We also show that the quantitative impacts of highway construction depend on whether labor flows are balanced at city level.