威尼斯欢迎你welcome统计系列 Seminar 第76期
主题: Inference with Combined Data from Subgroup Selection and Validation Phases in Clinical Trials
主讲人: 周建军 副教授
When a promising subgroup is identified from an unsuccessful trial with a broad target population, we often need to evaluate and possibly confirm the selected subgroup with a follow-up study, typically a validation trial, on the subgroup. To avoid the risk of data snooping, the classical evaluation focuses solely on the validation trial. We ask the question of how to utilize data from both trials to improve the efficiency of subgroup evaluation without selection bias. In this paper, we propose a new resampling-based approach to quantify and remove selection bias and then to perform data combination from both trials for valid and efficient inference on the subgroup effect. The proposed method is model-free and asymptotically sharp. We demonstrate the merit of the proposed method by revisiting the panitumumab trial and show how much data combination could help improve efficiency of clinical trials when a promising subgroup is identified from part of the data.